
Attorneys F. Davis Poisson III and Fred D. Poisson Jr. negotiated for the policy limit settlement on behalf of their client, who suffered a cervical spine injury and aggravation of a prior condition. WADESBORO, NC, December XX, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — Personal injury attorneys F. Davis Poisson III and Fred D….

happy thanksgiving

Who started Thanksgiving? It may surprise you that it was Abraham Lincoln in 1863 who proclaimed the last Thursday in November to be a national day of Thanksgiving. In the middle of the Civil War in the First Thanksgiving Proclamation, President Lincoln asked the citizens to pray, specifically, for God…

go vote

Each year, many of you ask us for advice on which judges to select in the judicial elections. Most people know little to nothing about the judicial elections. Stewart Poisson studies the appellate court opinions and is very familiar with most of the judicial candidates. We therefore do not make…

remember to vote

Voting is so important. You should not be deterred due to COVID-19. You have several options for how to safely vote during the pandemic. Below we have provided voting resources and important deadlines and information to keep in mind. Above all else, remember to visit NC Voter if you have any…

nourish nc

Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC’s Wilmington office packed nearly 200 pounds of snack packs for Nourish NC to distribute to children in the Wilmington area who are in need of food. Each snack pack contains a juice box, a pack of crackers, a fruit snack and a squeeze pouch. You…

E. Stewart Poisson

President David Henson has appointed Stewart Poisson to the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice (“NCAJ”). NCAJ is a nonpartisan association of legal professionals dedicated to protecting people’s rights through community, education, and advocacy. Stewart served on the Board of Governors of the organization from 2012-2017. She…


Anson County R-5798 US Highway 74 Improvements NCDOT has officially suspended the Anson County R-5798 US 74 Improvements project. At present, the DOT is unable to provide any estimates or forecasts on when this project will be restarted. The State Auditor’s Office provided reports showing that the NCDOT exceeded its…

covid-19 update

Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC recognizes that there is a lot of uncertainty happening right now. Please know that we are continuing to take new cases as well as provide excellent customer service while keeping our clients, attorneys, and staff safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our offices are closed to…

eminent domain constuction site

Is the government seizing all or a portion of your private property for public use? The United States Constitution ensures that a person’s private property cannot be taken by the government without just compensation. The Courts have created a cause of action against Federal, State and Local entities for situations…