Wadesboro Rear End Truck Accident Attorney

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Large trucks rear-ended over 94,000 vehicles across the U.S. in one recent year, leading to more than 24,000 injury-causing collisions and 825 fatal accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The tens of thousands of people who are hurt in rear-end truck accidents nationwide each year deserve accountability and justice from those responsible. Yet, sadly, they have to contend with motor carriers and insurance companies that fight hard to avoid financial responsibility for the pain they’ve caused.

Don’t try to face off against these powerful interests alone. Instead, turn to Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, for help if you’ve been injured in a rear-end truck crash in Wadesboro, NC. Our law firm has served accident victims in Wadesboro and across North Carolina for more than 40 years. During that time, we built a reputation for outstanding client service and excellent results.

Our legal team has the skills, resources, and experience to handle the most complex accident cases, and our relationships with top experts give us an edge in the courtroom. What’s more, we can help you find medical care for your injuries, and we won’t charge any fees unless we recover compensation for you.

If you’ve been hurt in a rear-end truck accident in Wadesboro, NC, you know where to find the staunch legal advocate you deserve. Contact Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, for a free claim evaluation, and find out how we can help you pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost income, pain, suffering, and other losses.

Common Causes of Rear-End Truck Crashes in Wadesboro, NC

Truck drivers risk rear-ending other vehicles when they engage in unsafe behaviors like:

  • Speeding
  • Driving too fast for road, weather, or visibility conditions
  • Tailgating or following too closely
  • Reckless driving, including excessive speeding or swerving through traffic
  • Sudden, unnecessary braking
  • Improper use of complex braking systems
  • Distracted driving, including using a cell phone while driving
  • Drowsy driving or falling asleep behind the wheel
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Truck driver inexperience
  • Inadequate maintenance of the truck’s brakes and tires
  • Excessive cargo weight or unsecured cargo items that shift during travel

Other factors can increase the risk of a rear-end truck accident, such as adverse weather conditions, poor road conditions (including slick road surfaces), driving downhill, low visibility from fog or precipitation, and design or manufacturing defects in the truck’s critical systems.

Serious Injuries Resulting from Wadesboro Rear-End Truck Collisions

Many rear-end truck accidents happen because a truck driver brakes too late to avoid a collision or does not brake at all. As a result, a rear-end crash can involve violent forces that cause severe injuries for the occupants of the rear-ended vehicle, such as:

  • Lacerations
  • Abrasions
  • Bruising
  • Whiplash
  • Nerve damage
  • Facial injuries and scarring
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Dislocated joints
  • Ligament sprains and tears
  • Muscle or tendon strains and tears
  • Broken bones
  • Internal organ injuries and internal bleeding
  • Herniated spinal disc injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Traumatic amputation or limb loss

Who Is at Fault in a Rear-End Truck Collision in Wadesboro?

The law requires motorists to maintain a safe following distance that allows a driver to slow down and stop if the vehicle in front brakes. As a result, a truck driver will usually bear responsibility for rear-ending another vehicle. However, other motorists may also be to blame for a rear-end truck collision in certain circumstances. For example, if Driver A cuts off Driver B, who then slams on their brakes before Truck Driver C behind them can respond, Driver A may bear responsibility for causing the accident.

Here are some other parties who could potentially be at fault for a rear-end truck accident:

  • The trucking company or motor carrier – A trucking company that employs a truck driver who negligently causes a rear-end collision may be vicariously liable for a crash victim’s injuries. A trucking company may also be to blame for a rear-end collision by instructing or encouraging its drivers to engage in reckless driving behaviors to meet delivery deadlines, such as speeding or tailgating.
  • The truck’s owner – If someone other than the trucking company or truck driver owns the truck involved in the collision, that owner may bear responsibility for a crash caused by inadequate maintenance, such as failure to maintain or repair the truck’s braking system or replace worn tires.
  • The truck’s third-party mechanic – Third-party mechanics hired to inspect and service the truck may bear liability for a rear-end truck crash if they perform negligent maintenance or repair work.
  • The truck’s manufacturer or part manufacturers – The companies that built the truck or its parts may bear responsibility for a rear-end collision caused by a design or manufacturing defect in the truck or its braking system or tires.

Compensation in a Rear-End Truck Accident

If you’ve been rear-ended by a commercial vehicle in a collision in Wadesboro, you can pursue compensation for your personal and financial losses from the at-fault truck driver, liable trucking company, other responsible parties, and the insurance companies that cover them. Your financial recovery can provide you with money for your:

  • Costs of medical treatment and rehabilitation
  • Long-term disability expenses and the costs of replacement services like housekeeping
  • Lost wages from missing time at work or going on part-time or light-duty work
  • Lost future earning potential and employment benefits if you become permanently disabled from working
  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced quality of life caused by disabilities or visible, permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Car repair costs or reimbursement for the value of your vehicle if the collision totaled it

Our skilled Wadesboro truck accident lawyers are ready to review the circumstances of the accident as well as the harm you’ve suffered to calculate a fair value for your claim.

Talk to Our Experienced Wadesboro Rear-End Truck Accident Attorneys Today

Don’t let trucking companies and insurers deny you the financial recovery and justice you deserve after a rear-end collision involving a heavy truck. Contact Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, today for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Wadesboro. Let’s discuss your legal options for seeking compensation for all your injuries and losses.