F. Davis Poisson, III


Anson County R-5798 US Highway 74 Improvements NCDOT has officially suspended the Anson County R-5798 US 74 Improvements project. At present, the DOT is unable to provide any estimates or forecasts on when this project will be restarted. The State Auditor’s Office provided reports showing that the NCDOT exceeded its…

laptop in home

It is hard to believe that this is our fourth week of practicing law under COVID-19 restrictions. Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC rolled out social distancing protocols earlier than the State did in order to protect our clients, staff and attorneys. We have some staff with family members with compromised…

eminent domain constuction site

Is the government seizing all or a portion of your private property for public use? The United States Constitution ensures that a person’s private property cannot be taken by the government without just compensation. The Courts have created a cause of action against Federal, State and Local entities for situations…

Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC team photo

The Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC team is excited to celebrate yet another successful year. As 2019 comes to a close, we would like to say thank you and Happy New Year to our amazing clients. We do what we do and are who we are because of you. It…

george bower, jr.

After appearing before the Honorable John D. McConnell in September 1978 for my oath as an attorney, I left the courtroom to complete a trademark application and began a 41-year career as an attorney in Anson County. In my first two years of practice with the Honorable H.P. Taylor, Jr….

children playing with soccer ball

How Much Child Support Do I Owe, How Much Do I Get? Nothing after a separation is easy; from division of assets to division of debts to spousal support and child custody. Fortunately, child support in North Carolina is generally pretty straight forward. North Carolina has adopted the North Carolina…

tractor-trailer accident

Should I hire an experienced tractor-trailer personal injury attorney? Tractor-trailer wrecks are complex. You should consult an attorney that is experienced in trucking litigation if you have been injured by a tractor trailer. Tractor-trailer wrecks are frequent in North and South Carolina because of our common industries that require tractor-trailer…