Failure-to-Yield Car Accident Attorneys in Wilmington NC

close up of accident between dark colored SUV and light colored sedan

Have you suffered injuries in a collision with a driver who failed to yield the right-of-way? You may have the right to hold the driver and insurer accountable for your losses by pursuing a car accident claim against them. Our failure-to-yield accident lawyers in Wilmington, NC, are ready to explore your legal options and handle the details of your accident claim from start to finish.

For over 40 years, Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, has fought for accident victims struggling to recover from life-changing injuries. We know that the recovery process can be overwhelming. When you hand us your case, you can breathe easier knowing that you have a proven ally on your side working hard to seek the full extent of compensation you deserve.

You could be entitled to pursue compensation for your hospital bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, property damage, and more. Let us help you demand it. Contact the law firm of Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, for a free case review today with our failure-to-yield accident lawyers serving Wilmington and New Hanover County.

How We Help People Hurt in Failure-to-Yield Crashes

At Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, our car accident attorneys work hard to help crash victims put their lives back on track. We understand that you may have a lot on your plate after getting hurt in a traffic accident, including trying to secure medical care while missing time from work. You shouldn’t have to go through the recovery process alone.

Our legal team can support you as you heal by:

  • Thoroughly investigating your case to obtain the evidence we need to prove the other driver’s fault for the crash
  • Identifying other parties that may also bear liability for your injuries and losses
  • Evaluating your legal options for financial recovery, including all applicable insurance coverage
  • Documenting your ongoing medical expenses and calculating your future anticipated losses to pursue maximum compensation for you
  • Helping you find medical or specialist care to treat your injuries
  • Keeping consistent contact with you throughout your case to keep you updated on the status of your claims and answer questions or concerns you may have
  • Filing claims and lawsuits on your behalf and aggressively pursuing the financial recovery you deserve, even if that means taking your case to trial

What Is a Failure-to-Yield Accident?

A failure-to-yield accident refers to a motor vehicle collision that occurs when one driver has an obligation under traffic rules to stop or yield to oncoming traffic but fails to do so. For example, a driver who makes a left turn against oncoming traffic and hits another vehicle has caused a failure-to-yield accident. Another example would be a motorist who runs a stop sign or a red light and collides with a vehicle with the legal right to be in the intersection. Drivers can also cause crashes by failing to yield to emergency vehicles with lights and sirens activated.

Common Causes of Failure-to-Yield Accidents in Wilmington

There are any number of reasons why a driver might make the irresponsible decision to ignore right-of-way rules and North Carolina law. Some of the most frequent causes of failure-to-yield accidents in Wilmington, NC, include:

  • Distracted driving, including using a cell phone, eating or drinking, grooming or applying makeup, adjusting the navigation, radio, or climate control, or reaching around for an object
  • Failure to observe traffic control signals
  • Failure to notice other drivers’ turn signals
  • Failure to follow merging rules
  • Drowsy or fatigued driving
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Driver inexperience or lack of familiarity with right-of-way rules
  • Aggressive driving or road rage
  • Reckless driving, including purposefully disregarding traffic laws or the movement of other vehicles

Consequences of Failure-to-Yield Car Accidents

A failure-to-yield accident can lead to crash victims suffering severe injuries, as the collision may involve higher speeds due to the at-fault driver’s failure to stop or slow down before the crash.

Examples of injuries that can occur due to failure-to-yield accidents include:

  • Severe lacerations, abrasions, and scarring
  • Dislocated joints and other joint damage
  • Ligament, tendon, and muscle sprains and strains
  • Broken bones
  • Herniated spinal discs and other back injuries
  • Internal injuries and bleeding
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Facial injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Burns and smoke inhalation from post-crash vehicle fires
  • Traumatic amputation or limb loss

A victim of an accident caused by another driver’s failure to yield the right-of-way may have a claim to recover compensation for financial and personal losses they suffered due to the crash. If you’ve been hurt by a driver who failed to yield to your right-of-way, they and their insurance carriers could owe you money for the following:

  • Costs of medical treatment and rehabilitation, including medical bills for surgeries, hospitalization, prescriptions, pain management, physical therapy, and occupational therapy
  • Costs of long-term care for disabilities that result from your injuries
  • Lost income due to disability from work and reduced earning capacity caused by medical restrictions on your ability to work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment and quality of life caused by physical disabilities, permanent scarring, and disfigurement
  • Costs of your car repairs or reimbursement of the cash value of your car if totaled by the collision

Proving Another Driver Failed to Yield the Right of Way

The driver who hit you and their insurance company might try to dispute your account of events in an effort to avoid paying you the money you deserve. If that happens, you may need various types of evidence to prove that the other driver had the obligation to yield the right-of-way and failed to do so. This evidence may take the form of:

  • Information from police crash reports
  • Accident scene photos, including photos of traffic signs and signals or skid marks on the road
  • Traffic control device timing logs
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Surveillance camera, traffic camera, and dashcam videos
  • Accident reconstruction expert reports and testimony

North Carolina’s contributory negligence laws make working with an experienced personal injury attorney especially critical. The other driver’s insurance company may attempt to argue that you were partially responsible for the crash, which would prevent you from recovering compensation. Our experienced lawyers know how to effectively challenge such arguments through the legal process.

Get Help from Our Wilmington Car Accident Lawyers

Did another driver hit you because they failed to yield the right-of-way? If so, you deserve to seek financial recovery and accountability from that driver and their insurance policy. You should not have to pay the price for someone else’s unsafe behavior. Our experienced attorneys can help you demand the money you need to rebuild your life.

Contact Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC, today for a free initial consultation with our experienced Wilmington car accident attorneys. Our team has three generations and 40 years of personal injury experience on our side. We are ready to put our legal legacy to work for you.