F. Davis Poisson, III

A clipboard labeled "Lost Wages Assistance" next to a calculator and notebook, representing financial help for lost wages due to injury or illness.

Workplace injuries can be stressful and potentially life-altering, affecting your physical and financial well-being. If you cannot work due to an on-the-job injury in North Carolina, you might wonder, “When does workers’ comp start paying lost wages?”  Although the workers’ compensation system does provide a portion of your lost wages…

car skidding due to rain on the road

Skidding can happen to anyone, regardless of driving experience or road conditions. Feeling your car begin to skid can trigger panic, but knowing how to react can mean the difference between a close call and a collision. Here are some tips to help you stay calm and safe in case…

person on the phone after car accident

Did you recently suffer injuries in an unexpected car accident or another incident? If so, you might be wondering whether you should call your insurance company or contact a lawyer first. Here’s what you need to know to protect your insurance claim. Pros and Cons of Calling the Insurance Company…

A traffic signal at an intersection is shown with a red light at the top, a yellow light in the middle, and two green arrow lights at the bottom. The green arrows indicate directions straight ahead and to the right. Above the lights, an electronic countdown display shows "00". The background includes trees and a cloudy sky.

Traffic signs and signals are on roadways across North Carolina to guide drivers and facilitate safe travel. In some cases, motorists encounter an intersection with flashing lights in NC. This situation can be confusing. Knowing what to do at an intersection with flashing lights is important.   You may wonder, “What…

confused blonde woman using mobile phone

As a general rule, everyone has a responsibility to go about their lives exercising a certain level of care – that is, to behave in such a way as not to injure others. Failure to act with reasonable care is called negligence. When someone’s negligent actions hurt another person, they…

transport, vehicle and taxi concept - male driver driving car with passenger

Who faces a greater risk of injury or death in motor vehicle crashes: drivers or passengers? It’s a critical question, as the answer has profound implications for road safety, vehicle design, and the law. Whether you were a driver or passenger in a car accident, knowing your rights and options can…

man calling attorney after missing work due to a car accident injury; get help from a NC car accident lawyer now!

Did you recently suffer injuries in a North Carolina car accident? Are you hurting too badly to return to work? Missing work after a car accident can make an already stressful situation seem worse. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer in silence. You can demand money…

group of friends and family gathered around table drinking wine

You may notice that there seem to be more DUI arrests and accidents around certain holidays. But do more DUIs occur on holidays? Why do DUI rates seem to spike? And what can you do to protect yourself from being involved in a drunk driving accident? Drunk Driving Increases Over…