How to Vote During COVID-19

remember to vote

Voting is so important. You should not be deterred due to COVID-19.

You have several options for how to safely vote during the pandemic. Below we have provided voting resources and important deadlines and information to keep in mind. Above all else, remember to visit NC Voter if you have any questions.

Vote by Mail

  • Request mail in ballot
  • You should request your mail in ballot ASAP but no later than the deadline of 5pm on October 27, 2020.
    • Mail in ballots will be mailed out to constituents in NC starting on September 4, 2020—in just three days!
  • Fill out your application completely.
  • Once you receive your ballot you should fill it out completely as well
  • You have two options for returning your completed ballot:
    • Take it to your local county elections office or submit it by mail ASAP but no later than the deadline of 5pm on 11/3/2020 (must be postmarked before 5pm on 11/3/2020 if submitted by mail).
    • If you choose to take your completed ballot to your local elections office, it must be returned by you, your near relative, your verifiable legal guardian or a member of multi-partisan assistance team.
  • You do not need special excuse to vote by mail.
  • You will need a witness who is a near relative to witness your ballot.

Early Voting

  • Early voting is 10/15/2020-10/31/2020
  • You do not need ID if you have voted in NC in the past.
  • Usually there are less crowds during early voting and so less chance for exchanging germs.
  • You can be sure that there will be no delays due mail.
  • You can feel more secure that your vote will be counted.
  • There is less room for error here.

Voting on Election Day

  • You could always go vote the old fashioned way if you feel comfortable doing this despite the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Voter ID Rules

  • First time voters registered by mail will need ID to vote if you did not provide your Driver’s License or Social Security Number on your registration form/
  • Voters without ID can complete a provisional ballot—ALWAYS ASK FOR THIS!!

Stewart Poisson focuses her practice on litigation. Stewart opened the Wilmington office of Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC in 2006. She assists clients in both of the firm’s offices in the fields of Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury and handles all appellate work for the firm. She particularly enjoys helping clients who have been injured in workplace accidents caused by the negligence of a third party. She represents clients in the both the personal injury claim and the workers’ compensation claim and is skilled at maximizing her clients’ recovery in these complicated cases.