This blog post, written on Thanksgiving Day, is to say thanks. Many of you may have seen our new firm videos on Facebook. Those were my husband’s idea. My husband Andrew was my greatest supporter.
As many of you know, Andrew was diagnosed with Stage IV Glioblastoma Multiforme (an aggressive brain tumor) on March 10, 2018 at the age of 41 years old. This was one week after we shot these Facebook videos at our office in Wadesboro.
Andrew took a turn for the worse about a year after his diagnosis. He then had a major seizure followed by another seizure in July and August 2019 and spent a lot of time in the rehab hospital and the main hospital. Andrew came home in September 2019 with the help of hospice, and I cared for him in our home until he passed away on October 5, 2019.
I miss my husband. He was a wonderful person. He only wanted what was best for our children and for me. Words seem very inadequate to describe the hole he has left behind in our lives.
But Andrew would have been so happy to see these Facebook videos and the public’s response to them. He saw the full length video on our website (www.poissonlaw.com) a week or two before he passed. He was so proud. He was proud that he was finally able to get us to sit down and talk about what we do. He was proud to see us together. He was proud to get that message out to the public. He was proud to have put his skills as a marketing whiz to use for our family law firm.
Our family could not have survived Andrew’s illness and passing without the love of my clients and staff at Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC. When you hire an attorney, you hire an attorney to help you with your problems. I never expected that my clients would help me through my tough times, but they have, so much, and I thank them. My clients have supported me, asked how I am, asked how my family is, asked how Andrew is, not once, but every time they saw me or talked to me. They have sent me notes and emails to lift me up.
The staff here at Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC has also done everything in their power to support me, the least of which is picking up the load for me when I had to be elsewhere. They have written me notes and texts, sent me poems, sent me books, hugged me, cried with me, loved me and prayed for all of us. I cannot say enough good things about the people I work with here at Poisson, Poisson & Bower, PLLC and I thank them.
Thanks to Andrew for being my best friend and most amazing partner, for 20 years in person and forever in my heart. Thanks for Andrew for pushing us to get our message out there. Thanks for being the greatest promoter I know, someone who loved nothing better than to tell everyone about those in whom he believed. I am honored to fall into that category.
And last but not least, thanks to my friends and family. To my brother Davis and dad Fred for being great lawyers. They helped me with my clients when I needed them. To my mother Lynn and sister-in-law Tate for helping with our children and with Andrew’s care so that I could keep working this whole time. To our Gray family, Sylvia, Tom, Justin, Anna and Holt, for their emotional support and for their help at home which allowed me to continue serving my clients throughout Andrew’s illness. To our wonderful friends who have carried us through and continue to lift us up.
It is an honor to do what I do. I am thankful every day for the opportunity to help others through my work. I just wanted to let everyone know how much you have helped me in return, and I thank you for that.